
Your Online Guide to References and Resources


“As far as I'm concerned [directing] is a kind of falling in love; I love making movies. If I wasn't paid to do it, I would pay to do it.”


Welcome to DavidLean.com. For over 20 years this site has been devoted to the further enjoyment and appreciation of David Lean’s career and films.

At DavidLean.com you will find a wealth of information: Complete listing of his filmography, a full bibliography of books and articles on or related to David Lean, audio interviews, streaming videos, Lean’s own notes on the re-edting of Lawrence of Arabia, reprinting of rare and unique articles, and much more. There is much to look through and enjoy.

We hope you enjoy the site. Should you find any errors or wish to contribute any articles, links, or images, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

This site would not be possible without the generous support of Dr. Louis Castelli, PhD., whose book David Lean: A Guide to References and Resources provided the foundation for this entire site.